So you think you can drone?!?!If you are studying to become a commercial drone pilot, there is now a new certification that you will need in order to operate. The Part 107 Airman Certificate is what you will now need to conduct your commercial operations. Don't take this lightly - the test is challenging and will require some studying to pass. E3 Aerial has you covered! We have put together a comprehensive PDF study guide that we personally used in order to pass our Part 107 Certification! The FAA does put out their own study guide (I will have this linked below) that has great content, however this alone WILL NOT be enough to pass the PART 107 Exam. In my personal PDF study guide (also attached), I have condensed this to only the essentials you will need to know. A big part of the exam, which the FAA fails to point out in their study materials, is reading and interpreting sectional charts. Being able to understand what airspace you are in, determining longitude and latitude, and general reading of the sectional chart plays an integral role to passing this test. Please feel free to download my free personal study guide below and go over the sample exam questions that I have attached. In my next blog post I will be going over in more detail how to read a sectional chart! Best, Eddie E3 Aerial
AuthorEddie is the founder of E3 Aerial. He is passionate about drone technology and the new applications that it can be used for. ArchivesCategories |